4 definitions by Strappy


1. A male who is cursed with only appealing to women either young enough to be called jailbait or old enough to be grandmothers. Said males often find this very disturbing and don't know whether to count the attention as good or bad.

2. A male who is only found attractive by females he has no intention of dating or sleeping with.
"I went to the mall with my new jeans and I only got looks from the schoolgirls and old ladies. Why do the hot ones just ignore me?" "I guess you're just a strappy boy."
by Strappy November 18, 2006
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Clear plastic wrap used to replace windows when one can't afford real glass.
I can't afford to replace my windshield right now so I just taped on some ghetto glass.
by Strappy November 18, 2006
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1. The amount of money one has to work with when buying alcohol.

2. A part of your paycheck always saved just for alcohol.
1. "My booze budget is only about six bucks so I'm drinking Faxe tonight."

2. "I'm getting an extra $50 in my next check so I'm putting it towards the monthly booze budget."
by Strappy November 18, 2006
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Cheap beer with a high alcohol content, often purchased with couch change for a quick and effective drunk.

Usually packs 10% alcohol and comes in a can or 40.
"I could only find a few quarters so I got some cans of Faxe."

"My booze budget is running dry so I'm going back to ghetto beer."

"Ah, Black Bull, my ghetto beer of choice."

"This ghetto beer tastes like ass, but man do I feel good..."
by Strappy November 18, 2006
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