157 definitions by Simon

Look at the Ayden.
by Simon June 7, 2004
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A male who exposes his pecker at inappropriate moments.
The complaintant states, she was jogging in the park when an obese male caucasian with a mullet exposed his 2 inch penis to her.

This is the 7th. complaint about the Dicky Waver in this park!
by Simon October 16, 2004
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A quote used to convey that great things have happened/will happen/are happening.
Peter: "there were heaps of free drinks and hot chicks"
Simon: "Wow thats cool"
Peter: "Good times my friend"
by Simon March 21, 2005
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The urge to open up a gash or hole in someone and then sexually penetrate the wound.
Your mum is in for some serious gaprape!
by Simon May 11, 2004
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A form of the famous martial art Kung Fu. It's characteristics are low stances and overall aggresive feet and hands.
by Simon April 25, 2005
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Like in the wild west this guy was like, "oh, I have an idea" and he invented the revolver

by Simon June 11, 2005
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