1 definition by Siguro ka ba?

A popular way to catch a ride in more so the NorthEastern side of the nation, in large innercities of high concentration. The person usually stands on the road and says something to the effect "Yo, you got me on a hack, 'round there to a nearby location?" to the driver of the car.

If accepted the driver becomes a temporary cab driver, and usually the hackee is suppposed to give directions, although they are usually trying to be cool, and just point like some dumbasses.

At the completion you give the driver like a small bill like a $5 or $10.

As I said popular in the New York, Philidelphia, and Baltimore regions of innercities. No offense but usally ghettos.
Yo, let me get a hack.
Where ya goin?
Up da block.
A'ight. You gotta gimme Seven tho'. I need me a sandwhich bra'
by Siguro ka ba? April 12, 2006
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