1 definition by Scott Nakamura

The place many see themselves gaining acceptance too, but if smart, divert paths. If one doesn't reach the best conclusion of straying away, they might recieve acceptance. Once acceptance is given, the student must learn and accept the fact that they are no longer the top student of their class, they are merely mid-par.

Students will learn the sciences and strive to please their teachers and study for countless SOM exams and government examinations, and finally exiting the 2 years of condensed MSI-II year study believing that they could potentially make a positive impact on patients lives. MSIII-IV brings about the reality that work normally goes unappreciated. Years of internships and residencies allow the individual to gain further understanding that one should do the bare minimum to avoid law suits and potential complications.
Pre-medical Student : "I really want to enter medical school because of a genuine desire of helping the sick, I'm totally about medical service!"

Me: "You are repressing your actual primary motivator, money. You should divert paths to nursing and become a CRNA.... Make similar amounts with less responsibility and receive a schedule that provides sleep."
by Scott Nakamura March 22, 2010
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