4 definitions by PrinceofWheels

Stalkabout: the art of creeping up behind your political opponent while they are giving answer.
As Hilary was giving an answer, Donald Trump went on a stalkabout which creeped her out
by PrinceofWheels August 17, 2019
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After the Quicide of the Republican party they adopted a new new name RepubliQans.
After the Quicide of the GOP, they started a new party calling themselves RepubliQans.
by PrinceofWheels February 4, 2021
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The GOP obituary notes the cause of death was Quicide.
by PrinceofWheels February 4, 2021
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An egomanical narcissist who is drunk with himself.
Donald Trump is so overcome with himself that he has become a selfaholic.
by PrinceofWheels July 13, 2020
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