2 definitions by Nicholai Hel

Damn near every girl that is in any sorority.
"Did ya hear Jon pulled off the {Steely McMichaels} on that sorostitute."
by Nicholai Hel July 12, 2005
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One who is loyal to or/an originator of a particular scene. Scenesters are the first to realize that said scene is {cool}. The scenester is quickly followed by the {hipster}, who, in endless vain tries to become a {scenester}. The difference being that the true scenester will die with the scene, while the {hipster} moves on to {pose} within another scene/or more likely scenes.
The hipster fucks tried to move in on the Bay Area Underground Hip-Hop Scene, but the scenesters didn't take any $h*t and booted those fake motherfer's the f*$ck out.
by Nicholai Hel July 15, 2005
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