3 definitions by Mr Sparda

The coolest way to say your from belgium without having to say belgiumish
What nationality are you?
Im Belgiumise (cool as well now)
by Mr Sparda December 5, 2006
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When your so depressed you dont care about anything anymore and become dead on the inside thus dead inside, its pretty much another way of saying clinical depression
No longer care about people or yourself ..(dead inside)
by Mr Sparda February 20, 2007
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The incorrect way of spelling belgiumise , which is the incorrect way of saying your belgian (but its cool so who cares)
mr t, hi what nationality are you?
miss k, im belgiumish
mr t , hmm are you sure thats right?
miss k, Whoops i meant to say belgiumise
mr t, its ok
by Mr Sparda December 12, 2006
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