1 definition by Meadoring

A person who has a psychological complex caused from childhood. Often times caused from being bullied by peers typically from a different race or ethnic background. It causes a compulsive obsession to arguing with other people as a sport regardless of any logic or reason. Often times, arguments can be illogical, irrational or even foolish often times. The Meador finds great peace and satisfaction in getting others to submit to his opinions and will not stop at anything until his opinion is respected. If he does not achieve this, he becomes very insecure and even more obnoxious. If he can not win his arguments, he will often use racist analogies to prove his point.

Side effects – This psychologic abuse as a child may lead him to be confused with his own identity and often leads him to believe that he is from a different race/background.

After a drawn out argument that went no where, the meador says "I don't respect your opinion because you're Asian"
by Meadoring September 16, 2008
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