3 definitions by KingoSwingo

the combination of a verbal slay with the force of a laserbeam; describes an epic slay that can often prove fatal
"Bro! You just got hit with a slaserbeam!!"
by KingoSwingo July 22, 2008
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describing a dish in which a multitude of cunts are baked into a delicious soufflé

can also be used as a putdown, synonymous for faggot or fudge packer
- Dude, what's that smell??
-- Bro, mamma's cookin up some cuntsoufflé!!
Don't be such a cuntsoufflé, Richard!!
by KingoSwingo July 22, 2008
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describing an event in which multiple people are annihilated at once by a more dominant force or entity
(Halo 3 Context)

"We beat their 'em 50-17??"
-"I know man, what a pwnfest!!"
by KingoSwingo July 22, 2008
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