3 definitions by Hamesiii

The average volume, (measured in decimetres cubed), of sperm a man wastes per year, through the process of masterbation.

"Hey guy what's your new years resultion?"

I'm gonna try reduce my splunkion count"
by Hamesiii January 1, 2009
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The process of headbutting someone with a bowed head and outstretched arms, while shouting "HAWK STRIKE" at the top of your voice. Best used when jumping off of something raised for example stairs or a bench.
by Hamesiii January 1, 2009
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1) Someone who experiences extreme rage while in the bath room, through one source or another.

2) Someone who's so curious that they feel the need to kick a toilet, just to see what it was like.

3) Someone who is messing about while doing cocaine in a public toilet.
1) "I'm sorry but i've been seeing someone else. It's the plumber who fitted in our toilet."

"Arrggg!!! Dam you *kicks toilet*

"I'm sorry babe but dont be a toilet kicker"

2) "Hmmmmmm....." *kicks toilet*

3) "Daym this coke is the shit" *kicks toilet*

"Dude what are you doing? Some people aren't finished here You are acting like a toilet kicker"
by Hamesiii January 1, 2009
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