4 definitions by Barnes

Morsig is a veristile word. It can be used to describe anything, everything and anyone. Some people might even replace the p-bomb with it.
Ek is morsig honger. Dis morsig warm. Jys morsig stupid
by Barnes January 14, 2019
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The recipient of a bumming.
Derived from the English slang for anal intercourse.
The bummee was bummed into the middle of next week by the bummer.
by Barnes December 10, 2004
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Someone that is obsessed with having their nails in top condition at all times.
Susan gets her nails done twice a week, she is such a nail'koholic.
by Barnes July 12, 2018
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A child minded man with a drivers licence and a vehicle who has no regard for the saftey of self or anybody else.
Totaly incompatent driver, masively insecure about self and inability to get laid.
The guy with the Austin Metro with a rear spoiler and low profile tyres and spud cannon exhaust is a Boy Racer
by Barnes December 5, 2003
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