2 definitions by Bannana Mosher

A nerd is givin his name if he : Playes Computer games 24/7 , likes doing his/her Homework, Cannot mix with other sex , Would rather be playing computer than mixing/talking/sociliscing with freinds.

Sorry about any mistaks XD
Nerd to Nerdy Freind: Look, i got to level 87!!
Freind: No way!
Normal person to normal friend: What a nerd...
by Bannana Mosher January 14, 2008
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A great band fronted by the gorgous Lacey Mosley, the band has brilliant potential. The Band Orignated from texas and are all followers of the Christian Faith.
John: have you head that new band Flyleaf?
Jack: Yeah their amazing!
by Bannana Mosher January 14, 2008
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