78 definitions by BATMAN

Substance applied to the teefs during the process of brushing.
He brush his teefs with teefpaste before he go to bed
by BATMAN December 5, 2003
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Englishman: wot wot ol' bean, how about we go for a ride in my motor buggie?
by BATMAN December 4, 2003
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A town with ABSOLUTELY nothing to do...sometimes reffered to as Belvequeer
"There is nothing to do in Belvequeer"
by BATMAN March 7, 2005
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A Susannah is a perfect definition of what a woman should be. Susannahs usually have blonde or light colored hair, either dyed or natural. Susannahs usually have amazing personalities and are very sensitive to other peoples feelings. Also their great taste in music makes them highly desirable women. If you date a Susannah, consider yourself lucky, because you might not get the honor again.
Susannah is beautiful
by BATMAN June 27, 2017
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White Homie; A White person who dips into Hip-Hop culture with out overdoing it, and making it through, without being killed.
by BATMAN March 7, 2004
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