2 definitions by Annoyed Girlfriend

A video game that is addicting to teenage boys. Also the cause of the huge decrease in teen pregnacy, teen relationships, and any interaction with male from the ages 13-18. When speaking to a victim of this game, they may speak in some languge where they will say, "BK" , "Garbage" , "Noob" , "Camper" , "Hardscope", "Drop Shot", and many more.

Warnings: Keep all males in the age range of 13-18 away from this game if you want to ever speak to them again.
Jake: Hey, did you get Black Ops?
Austin: Fuck yeah im going to game it up all night.
Jake Me too, invite me!
by Annoyed Girlfriend November 11, 2010
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When your having sex with a girl and she can't carry on because she's f@*ked from f@*king. Exhausted to the point she has to sleep.
by Annoyed Girlfriend April 8, 2021
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