2 definitions by Angel52

The name is West-Indian which stands for unique. Most people think that it's a ghettofied name, but in actuality it is confused for other names such as Shakeera, Sakura, etc.
Sakeera is like a unicorn- a unique being.
by Angel52 December 11, 2010
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Trash Bag is a term used for people who act like Trash Bags, traits of a real closet trash bag include:

• Stealing alcohol such as goon or anything equally as fancy to drink with women.

•Stealing glasses from near by restaurants to drink said stolen goon in.

•Getting drunk and skinny dipping at nearby beaches.

•Attempting to drive once said goon is gone.
"Josh acted like a trash bag when skinny dipped at the beach after drinking stolen goon from stolen glasses and then drove home."

"Josh enjoys trash bagging around"
by Angel52 May 25, 2015
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