3 definitions by Albert E. 29

'Sexulator' means 'sex machine' (hence the -ulator ending: calculator = machine) or just 'sexy' in general.

'Sexualtor' can also be a synonym for 'sex you later', meaning I'd like to have sex with you later.
"You sexulator, you!" = You sexy thing! / You sex machine
by Albert E. 29 May 25, 2010
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'To PJ up' means to get changed into one's pyjamas
"Hey, I'm just going to go and PJ up"

"Hey, I just PJ'd up"
by Albert E. 29 April 25, 2010
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'To PJ down' means to get changed out of one's pyjamas or just to get naked in general
"Hey, I'm just going to go and PJ down..." = I'm just going to go and get changed out of my PJs

"Hey, I just PJ'd down" = I just got changed out of my PJs

"Hey, you wanna PJ down?" ;) = "Do you want to get naked?" ;)
by Albert E. 29 April 25, 2010
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