10 definitions by Aec

She is part of the AEC. She must be perfect
by Aec March 26, 2016
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Slang for female breasts. coincidentally, the same slang term is used in both Mexico and Japan. In Mexico it is derived from the Nahuatl (Aztec) language... Chichihualli (breasts), chichihualyacatl (nipples), chichihualyacahuitzli (tips of the nipples.) In Japanese... chichi has two meanings 1.) breasts 2.) father (slang).
"I wanna suck the nipples off your chichis!"

by Aec August 14, 2003
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Derogatory (Filipino) slang term for Indians/Hindus. Derived from "Bombay".
"Hey, stay away from those bumbays!"
by Aec August 15, 2003
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