5 definitions by Adnan Khan

Where is Dhaka?

It's in the center of Bangladesh...It's the major city.
by Adnan Khan August 4, 2006
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Someone who is from Dhaka City.
Check that Dhakaia out man...!!!He sure acts like a big city guy...
by Adnan Khan August 14, 2006
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Bangladeshi American!!!

Confused Bangali who is suffering from identity crisis!!!
Sometime Ba-merican's are more confused then the ABCD's (American Born Confused Deshi) man!!!
by Adnan Khan September 4, 2006
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Someone came to the USA directly from Mofoshol or other small town/cities/villages!!!!

Someone who didn't stay in the big city before coming to America.

Dude 1: Dude!! what's up with that girl!!? She sure is trying to show off .

Dude 2: No worries mate!!! She's a 'Dhaka Gap'.
by Adnan Khan September 4, 2006
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American Bangali.....

American's who tries to be like Bangali

American's who likes to hangout in the Bangladeshi community
Wow!!!Check that Angali out!!!! She really looks like a Banglai with that dress.

by Adnan Khan September 4, 2006
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