A person who used to be average that turned into a man that has a creepy mustache and resembles drisis
by Bentoboy June 8, 2020
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Telling someone to commit a theft king is essentially telling someone to go to hell. This term came about when popular YouTuber Theft King told YouTuber and game developer Kane Carter to burn in hell.
by Meznight July 18, 2024
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When someone tells you to commit toaster bath you should tell them ok I will do it
Person:go commit toaster bath
Person 2: ok I will never hanks for the idea
by Clown rat February 12, 2020
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A way of saying someone has to die in Roblox©. (Gotta love the ©).
"Go commit #######" (suicide is censored by Roblox©) is now "Go commit uninstall life"
by jubiman December 11, 2018
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