15 definitions by Sami

The female version of the male stag.

Basically a bachelorette party.
by Sami August 10, 2004
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Iraqi misfit and refugee currently occupying a quiet complex in Doha, Qatar. Glorified supported of football, taking the side of almost all the greatest sides in the last 5 years. Though recently qouted as a Real Madrid CF fanatic while wearing an Inter Milan jersey. Loves to study...while sometimes a bit too hard.

Recent highlights:

Conquered Pakistan (al Hitmi village).

Rap album with DJ Mark Van Dyk of WuTang and Notorious P.I.M.P. fame.


Likes to blame others for his own mistakes.

Too lazy to do homework so steals off cool people.

Likes black haired, bearded women especially from the Kerala state in India...div div.
Yasser to friend: Can u help me on this question?

Friend: Sure!

Friend to Yasser: Can u help me on this question?

Yasser: WTF!! Kiss my asS!!
by Sami February 15, 2004
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Multipurpose word meaning "Sister-Fucker". 1. Can be used in almost any situation to portray a variety of emotions, such as excitement, despair, anger, surprise, etc. 2. Used to start to acquire someone’s attention when starting to speak to them. 3. An insult of colossal proportions.
1. Bhenchode! This is great soup!.
2. Bhenchode, when are you coming over.
3. Bhenchode! Take the fucking trash out you lazy ass fuck!
4. Bhenchode! i fucking flunked my test.
5. Fuck you bhenchode!!
by Sami December 6, 2004
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An Arabic name that means high or highly ranked (describes greatness). I'm very blessed to have this name since I do feel that I'm the greatest Xp
sami is so great, I wish I'd be like him one day.
by Sami November 9, 2004
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Bhenchode! Angel has such as hot pair of twin packs that I want to bunny-ize her!
by Sami December 6, 2004
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fynest ppl around can b found almost newhere! if ya dun start wiv em their sortd! (advice 4 goths. dey where da finest clothes around ie: rockport, berghaus, burberry, fred perry, lacoste etc. they mite smoke but ur point is? n they mite drink on street cornaz but reeli if ya dun do dat wot life r ya livin!?!?!? Also av u seen ow fyn their bodi'z r?!?! lyk PHWOAR!!!!! spesh wen playin footie!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do i stress their da kinda ladz who'll jus chat 2 ya...n can b propa nice!!!!
chava: orite!
girl: ye...
chava: wot u doin 2nite ladies
girl: jus angin baat
chava: wana cum wi us?
n there ya av it a reeli nice probabli fyn chava!
by Sami May 2, 2004
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