Jaunty jackanapes, with moxie and pizazz. Enjoys drinking bootleg hootch, and listening to the jazz. Captures all the clever girls' affections, and also made off with my fluffy puff confections. Takes his tea at half past three. Put a bengal in the Kaiser's latrine.
It's the Sneak!
It's the Sneak!
by doo whacka doo whacka doo June 25, 2003
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To disregard society in hopes to gain sexual relation with a

subsequent other.
after school i was trying to take Ashley in C building to sneak.
by Bee.Tee tha Beast September 13, 2009
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A lively fellow who is really quite unique. He's small and smart and yellow with a rodent-like physique. He doesn't play the cello and he never deigns to speak. He's The Strong Bad's Leporello and they just call him The Sneak.
If you've got a caper then you know who to call. It's The Sneak! It's The Sneak!
Who's that dapper swindler out of Tammany Hall? Do do lo dee oh do. It's The Sneak!
by Kaiser February 16, 2004
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Someone who you be messing around with, without anyone knowing, or having a clue that you are.
Aye bro, i'm finna be at da sneak's house!!
by daSNEAK2Q6 January 10, 2010
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when your sneaking out the house and you get caught right when you are walking back in
jaspreet was comin back home and her mom was out side hiding in the fog she though she was home safe from the SNEAK SNEAK but she got SLAPPED
by creep, sneakily, mouse, creep, January 19, 2011
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Strong Bad and Strong Man's companion from 1936. Does jaunty jackanapes with moxie and pizazz.
It's The Sneak!
You know it's The Sneak!
That sneakity Sneak all alooooong!
by Upsilon July 19, 2003
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