Annoying: A person or thing that brags about every single thing or just thinks they are the best.
by Xray_Plays_Gtag May 12, 2022
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When someone plays the drums at 3 am in the morning.
Jake: Jesus christ, Josh is so annoying! He plays the drums ever night.
Jake: I'm going to sue him!
by Ilikewritingdefinitions April 19, 2020
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- to celebrate that one white friend who is very racial but like is super funny so you be forgetting abt that racial behavior, but that nigga hella annoying
“Happy National Annoying White Friend Day to my man Jeremy!” - random black kid
by vbnmqwerty June 9, 2022
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some who is so annoying whatever they do it annoying.
Sarah is annoyingness
by sarahannoying October 30, 2021
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Annoyingness is one of your stats like speed is a stat so is annoyingness like I have 30% annoyingness but Keira Lawrence has 100% annoyingness
Your so annoying your stats on gta would me 100% Annoyingness.
by The true lover January 3, 2018
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my friend Tyler "complains every 5 seconds whenever i shoot at him or reload or use my dam gun"
Tyler is an annoying Fortnite player
by guydudmanbun November 11, 2022
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